Athena Grow is a simple, clean, two-part liquid formula designed for optimal vegetative growth in all non-flowering plants and the vegetative stage of flowering plants.
Robust Growth: Carefully balanced mineral ratios promote vigorous stalk and root development, healthy respiration, and efficient photosynthesis.
High-Quality Yields: Stimulates rapid bud production, increases flowering sites, and sets the stage for high-quality yields in flowering plants.
Easy to Use: Equal parts of Grow A & B are mixed with water for a sediment-free solution compatible with all dosing and irrigation systems.
Versatile: Suitable for a wide variety of non-flowering plants and the vegetative stage of flowering plants.
Add 2-5 mL of Grow A and 2-5mL of Grow B per gallon of water during the vegetative growth phase.
Refer to the Feed Schedules for specific application recommendations.